“There is nothing so stable as change.” – Bob Dylan
The Small Picture concludes with a discussion about how stable isotopes are used in paleolimnology, and how the isotopic ratios preserved in lake sediments can be used to infer changes …
“There is nothing so stable as change.” – Bob Dylan
The Small Picture concludes with a discussion about how stable isotopes are used in paleolimnology, and how the isotopic ratios preserved in lake sediments can be used to infer changes …
“Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting.” – R. Buckminster Fuller
This episode of The Small Picture zooms in on the environmental tracers and contaminants preserved in lake sediments, and what they can tell us about a …
“Tempus midget” – Paleolimnological phrase from classical antiquity
The term ‘midge’ refers to a wide variety of small flies, including two families (the Chironomidae and the Chaoboridae) used extensively in paleolimnology. The Small Picture continues by examining how …
“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.” – Zapp Brannigan
In this episode of The Small Picture we revisit the Cladocera, and take a detailed look at how their intermediate trophic position makes them a …
“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty. I see a glass that’s twice as big as it needs to be.” – George Carlin
In the second episode of The Small Picture arc, we take a …
“”Pollen is what happens when flowers can’t keep it in their plants” – Your Dad
A new arc begins. In The Small Picture we scale down to the microscopic level and discuss individual bioindicators, starting with one in particular that …